Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Clubs new Blog

Welcome to the new Web log (Blog) for Waterloo West Side Back Country Ski Club

Members Tom and John take to the re-start of winter in style with guest Girrard. Continued snow and great conditions make it a great night as we ski the edge and the "drift". A great loop at Tommy's place!!!

Snow depth reaches 3 feet in areas and considering the kids were playing soccer Friday - we are blessed by the snow gods indeed!!!

The only downside of the tour was the visible destruction not unlike that of the Quebec ice storm of the late 90's. Clearly the heavy snow that followed the days of rain created a big impact as many trees down on key runs including "Super S".

Feel free to enter your comments on our blog - your feedback is Key!


johncp said...

west side members can login as wwestside and password westside

johncp said...

looks like Thursday Feb 9 should be a great evening 4 all. Who is this Rich/Randy guy that everyone is talking about!!

johncp said...

Meet Thursday Feb 9/06 Cabana @ 8:00pm, Maintenance is needed 4 the trails. can you say Snowmobile Johnnie 4 the maintenance
Deano said OK !!!!!!!!!!!!!

johncp said...

Oh Mr. Lahey, have you been drinkin' again. My moneys are at home with me so I will not be able to make it out on Thursday night. I will also be unavailable on Sunday night as the children will be staying an extra night. See y'all on Tuesday night. My thumb is almost healed and I am itchin' to jump.


johncp said...

Looks great for the last night - what about tomoorow is Dean cleaning the track with red John?
Isn't Rick the guy I met last year sometime?


johncp said...

Hi Diddi... who are you?

Anonymous said...

Dear Alumni Members of the West Side Ski Club;
Recently, during a morning ski, which consisted of the wives of some of the more infamous members of this "club" ... let's just call ourselves the West Side Nordic Girls ... we came to the unanimous decision that the membership of the West Side should be closed or at the very least a legal waiver should be signed by all future participants. For the safety and future mobility of all guests who venture out with Dave, Rich, John and Dean we would strongly urge you to reconsider a night ride with these veterin members. If truth be told these boys have come back from many an evening with broken equipment, bruised bodyparts and various abrasions to their faces all in the name of testosterone injected sports enthusiasm. And while we secretely look forward to the 8:00 pm dash out the door to join the rest of the boys in Dave's Cabana - I think we'd all agree that we do like to see you guys come home safely and preferably unmarred.
Take care on the trails boys and please stop bringing guests - I saw the video with the Valentine's Day Massacre and the knee pop was not pretty.

(: love u T