It was the worst of times ( Jeff Injures his knee).
Waterloo West side - 9:15 pm: Members Dave, John, Rich (nice to have you back), Dean lead out with guests Jeff, Gerrard, and Steve Hirsch to meet with Tom at Cabin. A fast pace is set and everyone is moving well. En route things go wrong fast - MAN DOWN!!!!
Jeff who just recently received his therapists "OK" to return to the west side had a short lived return as he meets his challenge at "Johnny's Bowl". "It popped on both sides" - jeff was heard shouting as he held his knee. After walking it off he was able to make it back to cabin and assess his situation.
Jeff shown below at Cabin checking out the knee that brought him down.
Please note that WWBCSC is not responsible, liable for the actions of members, participants or family who participate in a club nights.
To comemorate the night we have created "Masacre Mug" to help raise funds for the "Jeff's rehab fund" Click on mug for more info on how to order yours today!!
Other memorable events: Steve Hirsch renews membership though his particpationnin over 2 nights for the year!!! (thanks for coming Steve!!) Gerrard Keough makes full member and swears he will return!! Welcome aboard Gerrard! The club issues an "APB" missing persons report for member Steph Krug who has yet to claim her membership pass.
PS Rumors of a club spouse event presist. Have we considered our own race event? Perhaps Dean could perform a biathalon training event!!
Demmand for the coffee mugs have exceeded supply - we will have to re-order!!!!
You keep killing guests. His boss explicitly said not to hut him. Have you no heart?
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